Trees And Shrubs Suitable for Thorntree Conservancies Climate
Botanical Name | Common Name | Favoured By | Size When Mature |
Acacia caffra | Common Hookthorn Gevone Haakdoring | Nesting birds and insects (prey for many bird Species) | 9x6 Meters |
Acacia karoo | Sweet Thorn Soetdoring | Nesting Birds and insects, including Butterflies | 8x8 Meters |
Celtis africana | White Stinkwood Wit Stinkhout | Nesting Birds and insects, fruit favoured by birds | 10x4 Meters |
Cussonia paniculata | Cabbage Tree Bergkiepersol | Insects, fruit attracts a wide variety of birds | 5x2 Meters |
Combretum erythropylum | River Bushwillow Riviersvaderlandswilg | Attracts nesting birds and insects | 10 X 8 Meters |
Grewia occidentalis | Crossberry Kriusbessie | Attracts fruit eating birds and insects | 5 X 3 Meters |
Kiggelaria africana | Wild Peach Wildeperske | Bears Fruit and attracts insects | 12 X 11 Meters |
Olea europaea-ssp. africana | Wild olive Swartolienhout | Bears Fruit and attracts insects | 6 X 4 Meters |
Pappea Capensis | Jacket plum (indaba Ttee) Doppruim | Bears Fruit and attracts insects | 7 X 6 Meters |
Peltophorum africanum | Weeping wattle Huilboom | Attracts insects and insectivorous birds | 9 X 8 Meters |
Phoenix reclinata | Wild date palm Wildedadelboom | Bears Fruit and attracts birds and insects | 5 X 4 Meters |
Podocarpus falcatus | Outeniqua Yellowwood Outenikwageelhout | Attracts fruit eating birds | 12 X 4 Meters |
Rhamnus prinoides | Dogwood Blinkblaar | Bears Fruit and attracts insects | 4 X 4 Meters |
Rhus lancea | Karee | Bears Fruit and attracts insects | 7 X 7 Meters |
Rhus viminalis | White karee Witkaree | Bears Fruit and attracts insects | 8 X 7 Meters |
Ziziphus mucronata | Buffalo thorn Blinkblaar-wag- 'n-Bietjie | Bears Fruit and attracts insects | 9 X 8 Meters |
Buddleja auriculata | Weeping Sage Treursalie | Attracts Insects and butterflies | 4 X 4 Meters |
Buddleja saligna | Olive Buddleja Witolienhout | Beautiful flowers attracts insects and birds | 4 X 3 Meters |
Buddleja salviifolia | Sagewood Wildesalie | Attracts Insects and butterflies | 5 X 4 Meters |
Diospyrus lycioides | Blue bush Bloubos | Attracts insects and bears fruit | 5 X 4 Meters |
Dovyalis caffra | Kei-apple Kei-Appel | Excellent fruit for jam also attracts insects and birds | 4 X 3 Meters |
Ehretia rigida | Puzzle bush Deurmekaarbos | Bears fruit and attracts insects | 4 X 4 Meters |
Leonotis leonoris | Wild Dagga Wilde Dagga | Produces nectar attracts insects and birds | 2 X 1.5 Meters |
Polygala myrtiflolia | Bloukappie | Attracts Insects and butterflies | 3 X 3 Meters |
Protea caffra | Highveld Protea Suikerbos | Produces nectar attracts insects and birds | 3 X 3 Meters |
Rhus pyroides | Firethorn Common Taaibos Gevone Taaibos | Bears fruit and attracts birds and insects | 5 X 4 Meters |
Leucosidea sericea | Ouhout | Attracts insects and birds | 3 X 4 Meters |
By planting indigenous trees and shrubs, they will not only save water but will also increase biodiversity through providing food and nesting sites for many species , the plants are all hardy specimens and will survive in our area Ask for them at your local nursery.