Trees And Shrubs Suitable for Thorntree Conservancies  Climate


Botanical Name Common Name Favoured By Size When Mature
Acacia caffra Common Hookthorn Gevone Haakdoring Nesting birds and insects (prey for many bird Species) 9x6 Meters
Acacia karoo Sweet Thorn Soetdoring Nesting Birds and insects, including Butterflies 8x8 Meters
Celtis africana White Stinkwood Wit Stinkhout Nesting Birds and insects, fruit favoured by birds 10x4 Meters
Cussonia paniculata Cabbage Tree Bergkiepersol Insects, fruit attracts a wide variety of birds 5x2 Meters
Combretum erythropylum River Bushwillow Riviersvaderlandswilg Attracts nesting birds and insects 10 X 8  Meters
Grewia occidentalis Crossberry  Kriusbessie Attracts fruit eating birds and insects 5 X 3  Meters
Kiggelaria africana Wild Peach          Wildeperske Bears Fruit and attracts insects 12 X 11 Meters
Olea europaea-ssp. africana Wild olive Swartolienhout Bears Fruit and attracts insects 6 X 4  Meters
Pappea Capensis Jacket plum (indaba Ttee) Doppruim Bears Fruit and attracts insects 7 X 6 Meters
Peltophorum africanum Weeping wattle Huilboom Attracts insects and insectivorous birds 9 X 8  Meters
Phoenix reclinata Wild date palm Wildedadelboom Bears Fruit and attracts  birds and insects 5 X 4  Meters
Podocarpus falcatus Outeniqua Yellowwood Outenikwageelhout Attracts fruit eating birds 12 X 4  Meters
Rhamnus prinoides Dogwood      Blinkblaar Bears Fruit and attracts insects 4 X 4  Meters
Rhus lancea Karee Bears Fruit and attracts insects 7 X 7  Meters
Rhus viminalis White karee    Witkaree Bears Fruit and attracts insects 8 X 7  Meters
Ziziphus mucronata Buffalo thorn    Blinkblaar-wag- 'n-Bietjie Bears Fruit and attracts insects 9 X 8  Meters


Buddleja auriculata Weeping Sage Treursalie Attracts Insects and butterflies 4 X 4 Meters
Buddleja  saligna Olive Buddleja Witolienhout Beautiful flowers attracts insects and birds 4 X 3  Meters
Buddleja salviifolia Sagewood Wildesalie Attracts Insects and butterflies 5 X 4  Meters
Diospyrus lycioides Blue bush      Bloubos Attracts insects and bears fruit 5 X 4  Meters
Dovyalis caffra Kei-apple Kei-Appel Excellent fruit for jam also attracts insects and birds 4 X 3  Meters
Ehretia rigida Puzzle bush Deurmekaarbos Bears fruit and attracts insects 4 X 4  Meters
Leonotis leonoris Wild Dagga      Wilde Dagga Produces nectar attracts insects and birds 2 X 1.5  Meters
Polygala myrtiflolia Bloukappie Attracts Insects and butterflies 3 X 3  Meters
Protea caffra Highveld Protea Suikerbos Produces nectar attracts insects and birds 3 X 3  Meters
Rhus pyroides Firethorn Common Taaibos         Gevone Taaibos Bears fruit and attracts birds and insects 5 X 4  Meters
Leucosidea sericea Ouhout Attracts insects and birds 3 X 4  Meters

 By planting indigenous trees and shrubs, they will not only save water but will also increase biodiversity through providing food and nesting sites for many species , the plants are all hardy specimens and will survive in our area Ask for them at your local nursery.
