Skinner No. |
Scientific Name |
Common English Name |
Common Afrikaans Name |
16 |
Atelerix frontalis |
South African Hedgehog |
Suid-Afrikaanse krimpvarkie |
63 |
Tadarida aegyptiaca |
Egyptian free-tailed Bat |
Egiptiese losstertvlermuis |
86 |
Eptesicus capensis |
Cape serotine Bat |
Kaapse Dakvlermuis |
122 |
Lepus capensis |
Cape Hare |
Vlakhaas |
123 |
Lepus saxatilis |
Scrub Hare |
Kolhaas |
134 |
Hystrix africaeaustralis |
Cape Porcupine |
Kaapse Ystervark |
135 |
Pedetes capensis |
Springhaas (hare) |
Springhaas |
163 |
Rhabdomys pumilio |
Striped Mouse |
Streepmuis |
168 |
Mus musculus |
House Mouse |
Huismuis |
183 |
Rattus rattus |
House Rat |
Huisrot |
196 |
Saccostomus campestris |
Pouched Mouse |
Wangsakmuis |
259 |
Canis mesomelas |
Black-backed Jackal |
Rooijakkals |
263 |
Poecilogale albinucha |
Striped Weasel |
Slangmuishond |
267 |
Genetta genetta |
Small-spotted Genet |
Kleinkolmuskejaatkaat |
269 |
Suricata suricatta |
Suricate |
Stokstertmeerkat |
274 |
Galerella sanguinea |
Slender mongoose |
Swartkwasmuishond |
313 |
Sylvicapra grimmia |
Common Duiker |
Gewone Duiker |
318 |
Raphicerus campestris |
Steenbok |
Steenbok |
324 |
Pelea capreolus |
Grey Rhebok |
Vaalribbok |
The mammals listed above are very scarce, and wild, in the Conservancy area because they are menaced by people and stray dogs. If more care is not taken with their conservation, they will no longer occur here at all. However, if it can be seen that resident populations are increasing, species such as Eland, Black Wildebeest , Aardvark and so forth, can be re-introduced. |