Previous News Flashes
Our Members Using the New Fire Trailers
February/ March 2011
Thorntree Conservancy becomes a member of
the Midvaal Fire Protection Association November 2010
At a recent meeting of the Midvaal Fire Protection
Association II held at the Meyerton Fire Station on the 8th
November 2010 notification was given that we as an FPA have officially been
registered with Pretoria. It was also noted and agreed on that a new Sector
(Sector 7) be created and that it would include Thorntree Conservancy, Apple
Orchards and Sunset Conservancy located in De Deur.
There was also great excitement when the Executive Mayor of Midvaal, Clr Timothy Nast officially handed over the brand spanking
new fire carts. Two new carts were received by Sector 7 and one by Sector
5, which includes the Welverdiend Triangle Conservancy (W.T.C.) and the
Welverdiend Forum (W.F.) area’s east of Meyerton and which were previously part
of Sector 2. The fourth trailer was handed to Roxie Du Toit from the Kliprivier Suikerbosrand
The Gauteng Conservancy and Stewardship Association
feel that as a now registered and official organization the Midvaal FPA II
through partnerships with ourselves, Midvaal Fire Management, Working on Fire
and various Government Departments will now better allow us to work hand in
hand as regards fire management and the control of our environment. It
has been a long and sometimes difficult walk over the last 6 years, but we, as
representatives of Midvaal conservancies and Gauteng
conservation are now very optimistic and look forward to a successful
fire season in Midvaal in 2011
Thorntree Conservancy
receives prestigious award from the South African National Parks 2007
On Monday the 22nd of May Thorntree Conservancy received
the Merit Award in the Category Community Contribution at the
Kudu award ceremony held in Pretoria
Robert Marais receiving the award from Dr
David Mabunda
The Kudu Awards
event is meant to recognise contribution by individuals and
institutions to conservation management at two levels, i.e. SAN Parks staff
members and external role players and stakeholders in different categories
This year marks
the third year for the Kudu Awards ceremony, since inception in 2005. It is a
fact of a real dream coming true for SAN Parks management and staff because
this event is intended to be the premier event on SAN Parks’ annual calendar of
events; and it is slowly, but surely becoming one. This event is of course
meant to celebrate the successes and the contributions of individuals and
groups in conservation management in this country and also plays a
significant role in the conservation of biodiversity and cultural heritage,
thus protecting South Africa’s most valuable national assets.. It is indeed
for this reason why this event is so important to all of us in the family of SANParks. We however recognise
the fact that we do not have the monopoly on conservation management as SAN
Parks, but there are other role players out there like most of you who are
here. It is precisely for your role in conservation that we saw it necessary to
request you to come and join us in this celebration and we therefore would like
to congratulate all of you.
Dr David Mabunda
Chief Executive SANParks
Thorntree Conservancy
Receives Three Awards
On Saturday the
12 of May the Gauteng Conservancy Association held their AGM and annual award
ceremony. Awards are given to top performing Conservancies
in three Categories,
The Four Frogs:
wetland Rehabilitation in a Gauteng Conservancy,
Biodiversity Award: Best Biodiversity practice in a Gauteng
Conservancy ,
Meerkat Award: Best General
practice in a Gauteng Conservancy
The winners are Judged by the different
working groups from the Endangered Wildlife Trust
Award returns to Thorntree Conservancy
Carol Donachie receiving the
Biodiversity Award Gold (Best Biodiversity practice in a Gauteng Conservancy)
has been awarded to Thorntree conservancy for the second time .Thorntree
Conservancy is doing a great job of addressing a great variety of issues within
their conservancy simultaneously. These cover biophysical, social/cultural and
economic enhancement of their immediate area, by trying to sustain the balance,
in addressing larger pressures rather than focussing on one species. In such a
way, Thorntree Conservancy adds much more value too advocating what
conservancies ultimately are all about. Wise management, care and protection of
the land which has been entrusted to you for the present and future
generation’s usage and enjoyment.
Thorntree Conservancy and Cullinan
Conservancy received the Bronze Award
Joan Du Toit from Cullinan and Terry Scott
from Thorntree receiving the bronze award
The Meerkat
Award 2007 Best General practice in a Gauteng Conservancy .Both Cullinan
and Thorntree Conservancy show a great variety of projects involving the
surrounding communities as well as some projects aimed at children. We could
not put one ahead of the other as both are deserving of a bronze
Commendations 2007
Thorntree Conservancy
Conservancy applied for all three awards and is a very strong candidate in all.
However, in comparing it to the other candidates in the Wetlands category, we
felt they were at a distinct advantage as an already established conservancy
and therefore set the criteria at a higher standard for this Gauteng
Conservancy. We would like to commend their continued vigilance in protecting
their wetlands, as demonstrated in the toxic waste incident described.
SAPS care about our
Biodiversity 2007
On Sunday afternoon the 28th
of January the De Deur reservists , ward 5 councillor
Rob Jones and members of the Thorntree Conservancy did a follow up on a
previous cleanup they had done close to the De Deur/Walkerville landfill site
50 bags of rubbish and other
dumped rubbish including a mattress ,canopies and masonite were collected.
We are starting to make a
serious dent in the rubbish on that koppie. Our aim
is to rehabilitate this site to it’s
former status. This is only possible because our community are so
dedicated to retaining our natural heritage
in Thorntree hit the headlines December 2006
In the quiet week after Christmas
Thorntree committee members discovered about two tons of extremely toxic Sodium
Fluoro Silicate dumped in bags in the Walkerville
landfill site. Urgent calls to GDACE, and to DWAF
went unheeded – everyone was on leave. Finally experts from the
Spillage Unit from Vereeniging came to Thorntree’s
assistance, cordoned off the site and warned residents not to go near it
because of the danger of contact with the toxin. "We were even
warned that breathing in fumes given off by the substance could be extremely
dangerous," said Ivan Parkes, Thorntree’s
When the media got wind of the situation
Ivan was bombarded with interviews. It was main news for a week on Radio
702 and eTV, Jacaranda, SAfm, Beeld, Mail & Guardian
and several other media also covered the situation.
Unfortunately the crisis was made much
worse by the use of bulldozers to collect the bags, which broke open and spread
even further. “When it started raining our main fear was that the stuff
would leach into the underground water – we’re all on boreholes in this area,”
said Ivan. “We have the details of the dumpers and action will be
taken. This is a disgusting display of irresponsibility and we intend
ensuring that whoever did this will be prosecuted. To date the cost
of clearing the landfill, finding a suitable site and doing water tests is
approaching R500 000.”
Tests showed that the toxins did not get
into the underground water, much to the relief of residents.
Clean Up 8 July 2006
got together at 0930 at the entrance to the Conservancy and started cleaning up
the road verges. We managed to do about 3km.The Amount of rubbish in this short
distance is mind boggling. 62 Plastic bags were filled. These cleanups are not only for the children We
need the participation of the moms and dads also. A lot of fun and laughter was
all part of the day.
The Mail And
Guardian Greening the Future 2006
Merit Award For Environmental best practice
in not for profit organisation
Thorntree Conservancy
Care starts on the Doorstep
Thorntree Conservancy Wins
Endangered Wildlife Trust
Biodiversity Award 2006
Best Biodiversity practice in a Gauteng Conservancy
Trophy Sponsored by the Endangered Wildlife Trust EWT
The judges felt that Thorntree demonstrated passion and an excellent commitment to biodiversity conservation. The development of a sustainable utilisation project, using local plants to create employment opportunities and to supply the muthi trade is applauded. Extensive species lists are essential for biodiversity inventorying and conservation and the conservancy is actively working to conserve some of its varied threatened species. A variety of important biomes exist in the conservancy and interaction with other conservancies, local councils, schools and communities is strong. The “no-go” area for off-road vehicles is also an important feature of the conservancy in the presence of highly sensitive species.
Thorntree Receives a Bronze award for best practice in
rehabilitating a wetland 2006
Good assessment of the value, and features of their wetlands and efforts to conserve them. Good interactions with local councils, other conservancies and the public. We particularly liked the efforts to establish a sustainable use component using local plants.
Giant African Bullfrog
The Giant African
Bullfrog Has Been Seen in the Conservancy Thorntree Conservancy is presently
participating in a Bullfrog survey
Red Data butterflies found in conservancy
A most exiting find! Butterflies on the Red Data list have been found in Thorntree Conservancy